Loricariids are bottom dwelling creatures. They are solitary species. They will have little or no interaction with the other members of their community. This makes them excellent candidates for community tanks. Naturally, they will stray from the bottom of an aquarium to perform routine maintenance. Even then they will concentrate on
Pandora Armband the removal of algae and not on the fish around them.
While plecos generally ignore the other fish in an aquarium, this can not be said for the presence of other bottom dwellers. Bottom dwellers in general are territorial by nature. It is very rare for aquarium keepers to able to successfully keep more than one bottom dweller in an aquarium together, even if they are totally unrelated species. Unless you have a very large tank with a lot of bottom surface area you should avoid such temptation.
All plecos are nocturnal. One of the first things they will do when they are introduced to a new Pandora Armband Outlet environment is to seek out a place to call home. Supplying rock work or hollow aquarium decor is recommended in the set up of pretty much any community tank. This is of particular importance if you intend to keep nocturnal species. Providing these fish with a place to seek shelter during the day will help them more easily adapt to their new surroundings.
Plecos are omnivores. In an aquarium, just as in nature, these catfish will consume just about anything. This is what scavenger fish do. Contrary to what you may believe, they derive the majority of their dietary intake from ingesting decomposing organic matter foraged Pandora Gunstig
off the aquarium substrate and not from the consumption of algae.
Loricariids are quite possibly the ultimate scavenger. They can survive in conditions where other fish would wither and die of starvation. Simple survival however does not address optimum health and longevity. It is unwise to simply assume that your plecos' dietary needs are being fully meant.
There are many products on the market designed to address bottom dwellers' dietary needs. Sinking pellets and wafers will help guarantee that your plecos is getting enough to eat. Fruits and vegetables make an excellent dietary supplement. They will scarf down leafy veggies like spinach and lettuce without hesitation. Skewering little chucks Pandora Halsketten Outlet of broccoli, squash or cauliflower to a safety pin and letting it sink is like inviting your pleco to an all you can eat buffet.
Many of the commercially available freshwater species are tank bred rather than captured from the wild. Attempts to do so with plecos have failed. A good percentage of plecos provided by the aquarium industry are mass produced in fish ponds and commercial hatcheries in Florida, Bangkok, Singapore and Hong Kong. The rest come form eggs gathered from riverbeds in South and Central America and then hatched on fish farms for export.
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